Esther the dutch girl in Barcelona
A Barcelona highlights tour with a photographer by your side.
Our photo tours take place in historically significant locations and are a great way to experience Barcelona, they are a great sight seeing tour combined with advice on good pictures and nice stories about Barcelona. We offer tours by professional tour guides and photographers. Wheter you want to discover the city or you want to learn more about photography, we offer a viarity of tours and workshops .
Our Barcelona Photography tours are a great for photo enthusiasts visiting Barcelona on short-stay. These tours are a unique way to discover the most photogenic locations and our professional photographer will guide you in the art of photography and the beauty of the city. Our goal is to show you Barcelona and let you take home great pictures.
The photo tours are designed for beginners to semi-pro and smartphone photographers

CONTAct us
For extra information ,bookings or for any personal questions, you can reach me here:
perry@perrypix.be or drop me a line: